
Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fools Day!!

Here is a picture of me tied up......April Fools!! Don't worry, soon I should have something up of me tied and gagged. When ever my boyfriend gets his ass in gear. Here are just a few images of some damsels. Enjoy!

Not a damsel but just showing some leg. I hope all you guys like!!


  1. I love the girl in the blue dress with the stuff gag and I can t wait to see you bound and gagged Christy

  2. Yes I too can't wait to see Christy bound and gagged and love the two on the couch

  3. I love it even after the captives lips are sealed the captive still sasses but all that comes out is mmphhh mmph

  4. April Fools hmmmm,it may get an ultimate damsel bound!!!!

  5. Christy,

    I'm a 54-year-old journalist in Pennsylvania who has written from time to time, bondage storylines involving home invasions; armed abductions and hostage taking. Very detailed storylines and stories.

    Like you, I wish I could get into this industry, but being married and in a rather public job, that would be difficult for me. But it's nice to find someone online to share stories and storylines with. If you are interested, I can send you a half-written story I'm working on.

    My preference for victims in my stories are MILF types or professional women. Also, wives of bankers, jewelers, etc. are always nice targets in my stories.

    I'd like to share. Hope you will too.


  6. Christy.... I 'm so glad i found your blog, the content is fantastic. I love a pretty damsel in distress, tied up nicely and about to face peril, in a comic book type of way. I've created my own damsel Kate Starbuck and you and your followers are welcome to check out my group

    Do you ever feature perloius situations? Sawmills, train tracks? I'd love to see those type pf scenes.


  7. I also like professional women in my sttorylines about hastage taking etc jdmcct. The image of a powerful strong professional woman helpless bound and gagged is appealin to me because it is the exact opposite of their image

  8. I too would love to get into the industry but as a writer for bondage videos or as a photographer or rigger learning how to apply gags etc

  9. Christy; any man LUCKY ENOUGH to be YOUR boyfriend, who doesn't BIND AND GAG YOU REGULARLY, and AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE, WHENEVER YOU WANT; is QUITE FRANKLY, VERY REMISS in his boyfriend duties! Guy doesn't know HOW AMAZINGLY LUCKY HE IS to have such a beautiful lady who wants so much to be in distress! In HIS highly ENVIABLE position, I'd be TAKING CARE of business EVERY DAY, YOU LOVELY DAMSEL YOU! ;-)


  10. Thank you Ben! That is sweet of you to say! That's right, he is lucky and I'm going to tell him you said so too!!
