
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Damsels in Red

Red is one of my favorite colors to dress in. I think every woman looks great in red. What's even better is being tied/gagged in red!! Here are some damsels waiting to be tied/gagged dressed in red. Enjoy!


  1. I would kidnap and tie you up and gag you whatever colour you wear Having said that RED would be a HOT colour for a damsel especialy you Christy

  2. A beautiful woman in red tied up nice and tight with white nylon ropes. Could anything be lovlier?

  3. Red is my favorite color and love the 1st, 2nd,12th and 14th one. They all are knee length tight skirts and love that on agagged and bound damsel

  4. Those long-sleeved, tight fitting red sweaters look wonderful. And Marty's right, they would look even better with some white ropes around them.

  5. Those red with plaid skirt outfits have the same affect on me as a red cape does with a bull. I'd even snort while I charged in with rope and gag in hand - Ole!

  6. Where did you get the pictures for this set titled Damsels in Red? I would love to buy, wear and be tightly bound and gagged in many of these outfits.
