
Friday, April 6, 2012

New Damsel Outfits I've Bought While I was Gone...

I have done a lot of shopping since my last post. When I shop for an outfit, I think of 2 things....First - how will the outfit look on me? Second - How will I look tied and gagged with the outfit on. I have bought all these outfits and I have been tied/gagged in only 2. Time to start catching up!! Enjoy!

Yes, I even bought the skirt! I Love it!

Bought this suit on ebay. I LOVE knit suits!

A nice turtleneck dress w/some black boots would make a nice damsel outfit, yes?

Another favorite - wrap dresses

I have the top, not the skirt but I have many pleated skirts to take it's place

I bought the coat and boots! Love them!!

Bought the whole outfit, including the scarf

I love this dress!!


  1. Its so good to have you back I also love the long grey dress You would look great tied to a chair with white rope and gagged with a OTM white silk scarf also love the red coat and boots

  2. Hey Max!
    Thank you. It's good to be back. I love my red trench coat and boots! I do agree with you, I need to be tied w/ some white ropes with that grey dress.

  3. I have a gray sweater dress also, although not a turtleneck. And yes, it does look great with boots.

    Nice that you bought the scarf as well, in case someone forgot to bring a gag!

    I love the way a long dress looks with rope tied around the legs.

  4. I love the last one too! I could see you wearing it while tied to a chair with 100 feet of rope. I would tie your hands in front of you on your lap since it would look so sweet and ladylike with the short puffy sleeves and the long skirt (and the lacy gloves!) And then you'd be cleave gagged with a white silken scarf pulled tight between your teeth and kept that way until I collect the ransom!

  5. Picture six would make a great damsel outfit!

  6. The one in the brown sweater and skirt made me come all over myself
