
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cleave Gags

Who doesn't like cleave gag? I know I like them. They aren't my favorite type of gag but if I'm cleave gagged, I won't complain. Hey, made a little joke there.... won't complain!! I guess wouldn't be able to if I were gagged! LOL!! Enjoy the pictures!!


  1. A cleave gag is my favourite but I would put a OTM over your cleave gag so you get the best of both mmmmmmphh

  2. Thank you Max! That's sweet of you! MMPPPHHMMMPP!!

  3. I have to agree that a cleave gag covered by a OVM gag is one of the best. My sub loved the feeling of the cloth felling her mouth and then her lips tightly covered by the cloth or tape. You have a perfect mouth for that Kristy. I also like the fashio ideas of yours Kristy, although personally I love pencil skirts especially on chair ties and on the floor.

  4. I also live the one kneeling. My sub was often in that position gagged bound in a short skirt prior to being undressed and pleasured

  5. cleaved and otm'd....OMG yes Christy,especially if the cleave is with hosiery from your lingerie drawer!!!

  6. A simple and fast way to silence a damsel, until you can get her somewhere where you can do a better job.

    Love the 'Daphne Blake' photo!

  7. Thumbs up for the poloneck gals :)
