
Saturday, June 30, 2012

The End of the Ultimate Damsel?

I'm sure many of you have noticed the lack of updates lately. I have tried to stay current with my blog but, believe it or not it does take a lot of my time. Time is something that I have very little of, between work and my life. I believe it might be time to close up shop here. I'm not sure yet but I will make a decision very soon.

I just want to thank all my friends who have visited and enjoyed my blog. I am sorry about this decision but if I found the time, I would keep it going. I was even thinking of posting images of myself tied and gagged but I don't even have time for that either. I am too tired when I get home from work to do any modeling and have no time in the morning hours. Let me sleep on this decision for a week and you all will know my answer. I would love to hear some feedback from everyone to know how you feel.

Love you all!!


  1. Really sorry to hear this, Christy, but of course respect your decision whatever it will be. Would love to see those pics of your lovely self tied up, though. :)

  2. It would be unfortunate if you did go, but it is your decision. I do enjoy reading about your ideas and scenarios. If it must be, it must. Whatever you decide, I salute you.

  3. Sorry if you go but you have a life to live Whatever you decide you will always be my Ultimate Damsel mmmmmmphhhh

  4. If you do decide to go, then go out with a bang.

  5. As with all the others, I would be sad to see this blog go, but real life takes priority and I will respect any decision you make.

  6. I too,have visiting your blog,Christy.It would indeed,be a shame,if you decided to call it a day.
    Rest assured though,you have made me very happy seeing what you have put up on your blog.
    Whatever you decide,it's entirely up to you,and I wish you all the best.

  7. I only discovered your blog a few weeks ago, but I have really enjoyed your posts. It is a shame to hear that you are thinking about closing up shop, but I understand that personal lives must always come first. However, I do agree with Adam that you should "go out with a bang."

    Here is a suggestion for you. Make your final post consist of five or six good damsel pictures of you. Turn the Ultimate Damsel loose and give yourself a grand sendoff!

    I hope you decide to continue, because your blog is awesome. Even for a newcomer like me, it was easy to see you enthusiasm. That enthusiasm was what makes this blog so great. Best of luck in all of your future endeavors.

  8. sad to ear this now that bondage is becoming mainstream...together we can beat bigotry!

    stay with us!


  9. Really sorry to hear this, Christy, but of course respect your decision whatever it will be. Would love to see those pics of your lovely self tied up, though. :)

  10. Weather you come back or not, this is a great blog site!
