
Monday, May 16, 2011

Finally - starting to feel better!!

Hello everyone! I'm starting to feel alive again - mostly thanks to pain killers (don't worry, I won't get hooked) and I felt like posting something for you guys! I want to THANK EVERYONE who wished me a speedy recovery! I love you guys (and girls)!!

The alternate title to this post is "Being Carried Away" and I'm sure you can see why. Enjoy and I hope to be posting more very soon. Thanks for being patient! Love you!!

About to be carried away to who knows where!!

Just placed down after being carried from the car trunk!(Sorry it's sideways)


  1. Welcome back I m glad you are feeling a bit better Great pics as usual I love carrying a bound and gagged damsel away to unknown peril LOL mmmmmmphhh

  2. Thanks Max! I love being carried away to unknown peril.

  3. Great pics, although I prefer the over-the-shoulder carry myself.

  4. I agree Stacy over the shoulder carry is best

  5. I hope you're on the way to a full recovery :)
