
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Please...Where are you taking me??!!

Part of the thrill for me when tied and gagged is wondering what my captor will do to me? Most of the time the captor is my boyfriend, so I know no harm would come to me but I do tell him to surprise me once in a while. So, one day he did. I was tied/gagged and he took me down to a dock on a lake. He told me he was going to throw me in to drown. Now, I get turned on by drowning but that is roll play. This time it was for real! Before I could "MMPPHH" in protest, he threw me in - dress, heels, blazer and all. I started to sink and come up a few times, waiting for him to dive in after me but after a while I noticed he wasn't moving!! I started to get really nervous! Water started getting into my mouth, through the OTM gag and I started to sink deeper each time! He could see the terror on my face too as I went under for the last time! I then started to swallow more water!! I struggled so hard to get free!! I was terrified!! Just then, my dumb ass boyfriend finally pulled me out! After coughing for what seemed like an hour, I gave him hell but to tell you the was a HUGE rush!!

To be Continued....


  1. Im glad he saved you eventually Great hand gag pictures mmmmmmmphhhh

  2. Love numbers 4 and six. Something about a turtlneck....

  3. I like the thought of being grabbed, bound and gagged , and then tossed into the trunk of a car. Driven off and, like you said Christy, left to wonder where you're being taken and what's going to happen to you.

  4. Agreed stacy and my favorite is the one where she is in the leather skirt, duct taped and nice panty shot.
