
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Damsel Videos

Here a few more videos I found on my boyfriend's hard drive. A couple of videos on here have women captured and held by serial killers. Now, I'm not a big fan of serial killers and I wouldn't want to die a horrible death like these women, but I do like being captured and held and having the thoughts in my head I might be killed. I SCARES ME and I like to be SCARED, to the point of being TERRIFIED! It's a huge turn on!! I know, call me strange but what makes a woman want to be tied up, gagged, held hostage, forced to have sex, etc? Maybe I'm missing a chromosome? Who knows, but it excites me and that's all that matters!!

Anyway, Enjoy the Videos!! XOXOX

This is part 1

This is part 2

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